The Ministry of Paul: 3-8 Year Old Sunday School

Note: I adapted these lessons to correspond with the Family Entertainment Network: Animated Stories from the New Testament video series. The numbers before the lesson title match up with the numbers on the video cases. (This one didn’t have a number, even though it goes with the set.) These lessons can also be used on their own, or along with other video material, such as SuperBook and VeggieTales.

The Lesson:

The Ministry of Paul


The Song:

What A Mighty God (Song for The Ministry of Paul)


The Coloring Page:


-7- He Is Risen: 3-8 Year Old Sunday School

Note: I adapted these lessons to correspond with the Family Entertainment Network: Animated Stories from the New Testament video series. The numbers before the lesson title match up with the numbers on the video cases. These lessons can also be used on their own, or along with other video material, such as SuperBook and VeggieTales.


The Lesson:

He Is Risen


The Song:

He Is Lord (Song for He Is Risen)


The Coloring Page:

-11- Treasures In Heaven: A 3-8 Year Old Sunday School Lesson

Note: I adapted these lessons to correspond with the Family Entertainment Network: Animated Stories from the New Testament video series. The numbers before the lesson title match up with the numbers on the video cases. These lessons can also be used on their own, or along with other video material, such as SuperBook and VeggieTales.

The Lesson:

 Treasures in Heaven

The Song:

 Make Me A Servant (Treasures In Heaven Song)

The Coloring Page:


-3- The Prodigal Son: Ages 3-8

Note: I adapted these lessons to correspond with the Family Entertainment Network: Animated Stories from the New Testament video series. The numbers before the lesson title match up with the numbers on the video cases. These lessons can also be used on their own, or along with other video material, such as SuperBook and VeggieTales.


Printable Sunday School Lesson:

Prodigal Son


Printable Song:

Jesus loves me song (Prodigal Son)


Printable Coloring Page:

-5- The Miracles of Jesus: Ages 3-8

Note: I adapted these lessons to correspond with the Family Entertainment Network: Animated Stories from the New Testament video series. The numbers before the lesson title match up with the numbers on the video cases. These lessons can also be used on their own, or along with other video material, such as SuperBook and VeggieTales.


Printable Sunday School Lesson:

 The Miracles of Jesus

Printable Song:

turn_your_eyes_upon_jesus (Jesus’ Miracles)

Printable Coloring Page: